A lift of diabetes, many people would eat food and diabetes linked to think the high sugar content in the staple food, will not dare to eat or eat very little, only eat vegetables, meat, soy products and fruit.
Indeed, some people do not eat food as the prevention of diabetes mellitus "magic weapon".In fact, the clinical experience shows that this is not to eat or eat less food staple diet, will result in not enough carbs, fat and protein intake, body metabolism disorders, results are not only caused by diabetes, but also cause the blood pressure, blood pressure, liver and kidney burden, cause of coronary heart disease and many other diseases.
Long-term do not eat or eat food, inadequate intake of carbohydrate in the long-term, the pancreatic β cell function decline, insulin secretion will reduce insulin sensitivity, while also decreasing, glucose degradation of functionality.
Degradation of sugar in blood, can cause blood sugar is too high.This situation, even if you then return to normal diet, if insulin secretion in the body not meet the requirements, not glucose degradation so that glucose, diabetes it is easy.
This is the diabetes incidence of common cause.Staple food to eat less, many people like to use supplement to fill.
Some people love to eat seeds, walnuts, peanuts and other fats and oils with high content of snacks; some people only eat food, not eat dishes in oil and protein intakes are very high, and even may exceed the rice starch in calories, it also makes the calorie exceeded. These factors may lead to metabolic disorders.Because grain cereals contain carbohydrates, is the body's most basic source of energy.
At the same time, the body's metabolism system restraint, staple food to eat less, also causes fat metabolism. While the fat metabolism and glucose metabolism disorders of incentives, can also be induced diabetes. Excessive fat accumulation causes of obesity and diabetes "metabolic syndrome" starting factor.Staple carbohydrate in the role of protein with protection, if you do not eat food vulnerable to malnutrition.
Especially with diabetes don't eat food, it is possible to mobilize the body fat decomposition to supply energy, causing the ketone bodies, serious sometimes Ketoacidosis. So for diabetic patients who do not eat food will not only help to control blood sugar, but also may affect the functionality of other organs of the body.Indeed, eating too much rice also would increase the burden of the pancreas, may also be induced obesity and diabetes, the staple food to eat as much right to achieve the principle buildings vary from person to person, the amount into out, hyperactivity eat more, less dynamic eat less.
The correct approach is:
The daily food containing not less than 250 grams of carbohydrates, synthetic rice grain is 300 grams, such as morning two buns or plus one or two of porridge, noon and evening respectively a full bowl, basically sufficient.
Also note the optimal mix of some roughage, such as oats, corn, millet, etc.(Edit: sleep practice min)
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