Sunday, December 19, 2010

Digital talk

Our existing tuberculosis 450 million, 80% in rural areas

Statistics: 2001 to 2008, the Chinese mainland has detected and cured 642 million cases of tuberculosis patients.

It is estimated that the Chinese mainland existing active tuberculosis 450 million, of which 80% of patients in rural areas, the population is susceptible to high risk populations.

The Ministry of health 2009 March 19 disclose this digital, said that the State tuberculosis suspected patients free check policies; County professional tuberculosis control bodies and designated medical institution confirmed activity in patients with pulmonary tuberculosis, providing unified free treatment programmes; temporary residents enjoy the city and the registered population equivalent free checking and free therapy treatment.

March 24 is the first 14 "World TB Day", China's propaganda theme "TB is everyone's responsibility: focus on migrant workers, sharing health.

Angry 10 minutes spent on energy is not lower than run 3000m

Pao 2009 21 March reported that United States physiologists El Ma study found that people angry at 10 minutes spent off the energy, to participate in a 3000 metre race.

People get angry at the physiological responses of very intense, emotional than in any secretions are complex, and toxicity, therefore, angry people difficult health, harder to longevity.

Although the angry and run the same cause of rise in blood pressure, palpitations, increased blood pressure, however the run slow, progressive decline accelerated heartbeat, the process is slow; and angry that a sudden increase in poor health or elderly people are prone to hemorrhage, myocardial infarction.

Guangdong check-ups rate of less than 10%, the increase in birth defects in children

Xinhua reporter April 6 rising from Guangdong population and family planning Committee was informed that, according to the survey, the marriage rate in Guangdong Province is also less than 10%, resulting in the increase in birth defects in children.

Experts believe that the public on the importance and necessity of antenuptial lacks scientific understanding, is the fact of a low rate.

Since the abolition of the compulsive, Guangdong voluntary check-ups rate is relatively low, less than 10%, while Guangzhou, Shenzhen, Zhuhai, Zhongshan, some cities have implemented free check-ups, but the overall effect.

The low rate of marriage is causing birth defects incidence has increased. According to population and family planning Commission of Guangdong Province Inspector Liang GUI Ying said that most people on the importance and necessity of antenuptial lacks scientific understanding, therefore, on pre-marital check extensively and scientific information is very important.

Study: obese life, BMI greater than 40 live 10 years less

Xinhua London 2009 Mar 18: United Kingdom researchers in a new study shows that obesity can make one life lost.

Height and body mass index (BMI), weight (kg) divided by height (in metres) squared, is greater than 40 of obese subjects than body weight (BMI between 20-25) the average life expectancy of not less than 10 years.

Oxford University researchers 18 in authoritative medical journal the Lancet article pointed out on the Web site, through the analysis of European and North American region of nearly 100 million people in the past 10-15 years of weight survey data discovery, BMI in 23 ~ 24 people in between, and the longest life expectancy in 30 ~ 35 between obesity, their average life expectancy is less than 3 years who, more than 40 BMI in the normal-weight obesity average life 10 years less, and all the effects of smoking on life.

Researchers also confirmed occurrence of premature death, obesity, stroke, or heart disease are higher than the weight of the probability and the pristine.

To this end, researchers called: "the weight is critical to good health, if you find your weight is moving in the direction of obesity, you should consider losing weight. ”

(Edit: pan message attachment point)

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