Constipation is because manure in enteral stay too long, resulting in fewer stools, fecal dry, difficult or not completely discharged.
Generally no more than two days, you can prompt the defecation constipation. If every row in the stool, bowel difficulties and defecation there is a residual after it, or associated with abdominal distension, should also be included in the scope of constipation.Constipation, abdominal swelling occurs, to relieve himself, not even a loss of appetite, dizziness, weakness, and other symptoms that may be related to the role of local mechanical manure causes neural reflex.
Constipation is generated:
Inside the rectum is empty for most of the time, when the manure into the rectum and colon, rectum is manure spreading, stimulating the rectum of Baroreceptor Reflex defecation, through afferent to the cerebral cortex, defecation, defecation instruction through outgoing nerves, to participate in defecation of organs, and rectal contraction, anal sphincter relaxation, diaphragm and abdominal muscles contraction, suffocating abdominal pressure increases, the stool, which is the normal defecation.
Some of the factors causing the rectal wall Baroreceptor dull, rectum, anal sphincter function disorders, intestinal peristalsis, stool can not be timely discharge, water is too absorbed, fecal dry forming constipated.
Constipation diet conditioning
Constipation can greatly on human toxicity.
Faeces in intestinal accumulated leave droppings are significant when bacteria produce lactic acid, acetic acid, ethanol, phenol, ammonia, hydrogen sulfide, indole, histamine and other toxic substances, substances such as cannot be expelled from the body in a timely manner, it will be absorbed in the intestine into the blood again the circulatory system and acts on the whole body, enabling organizations and organs of the body's functions. Performance in the face, women face also appears for acne, blemishes, pigmentation and other phenomena that affect beauty.Causes of constipation caused menopause are complex, and Climacteric disorders of autonomic nervous system, a number of gastrointestinal disorders such as proctitis, hemorrhoids, anal fissure, anal abscess or ulcer, intestinal obstruction, colon cancer, diverticulitis, specific and nonspecific colitis, intestinal adhesion can be formed bowel obstruction, the impact of mechanical bowel, leading to constipation.
There are a number of endocrine and metabolic diseases such as hyperparathyroidism, hypothyroidism, pituitary dysfunction and diabetes associated with neuropathy, chronic emphysema, severe malnutrition, multiple pregnancy, intestinal paralysis can be diminished because of the intestinal wall muscle difficult defecation. In addition, there are some drugs can also cause constipation. In addition to these factors, the diet of unreasonable and daily irregular occurrence with constipation. Therefore, climacteric constipation should adopt comprehensive treatment approach, multifaceted and conditioning. Where food processing is the most basic and the most important.1. staple food intake should not be too small, the right to eat several grains.
Entering menopause, many people are worried about fat and diet, food intake and eat little or meat dishes, staple food and vegetables to eat less. While the need to relieve himself of intestinal contents reach a certain volume, stimulate intestinal wall after expansion, will have a conditioned reflex. Eat small intestinal form of food waste is minimal, the frequency of defecation diminishes easy formation intestinal absorption of moisture to the stool, dry and difficult to discharge, produce constipation. Coarse grains rich in dietary fiber, can keep moisture in the gut, soften stools, promote intestinal peristalsis.2. develop a daily habit of drinking yoghurt, to do so, you can add probiotics, adjust the intestinal flora.
Constipation after corruption in faecal bacteria in the body, yoghurt contained activity of Lactobacillus and Bifidobacterium, probiotics can inhibit the growth of spoilage microorganisms, adjust the intestinal flora. Yogurt has mild diarrhea, caused by can fight constipation. In addition, yoghurt of Bifidobacterium factor there scavenging free radicals, anticancer anti-aging effect. Therefore, you should intake per day 125 ~ 250 ml yogurt.3. diet should not be too light.
In order to prevent and control high blood fat, you need to restrict diet fat intake. However, many people tend to walk into misunderstandings, excessive eating light oil. Over time, also because of the lack of intestinal fat in the residue of the ritzy and bowel problems. Therefore, for this part of the patients with constipation, it should be noted that the mastering low-fat, while regular supplement some effects on blood lipid containing small, single unsaturated fatty acid-rich nuts food or use Camellia oil, olive oil fried vegetables.4. eat more vegetables and fruits, additional dietary fiber.
Vegetables and fruits is dietary fiber is an important source of dietary fiber high in vegetables and fruits including beans, green beans (tender broad beans), apples, pears, plums, strawberries, potatoes, tomatoes, bell peppers, garlic plant, garlic sprout, leeks, swamp, amaranth, oil caitai, bean sprouts, green bean sprouts, cabbage, Chinese cabbage, bamboo shoots and so on. Worthy of recommendation is Apple, kelp, pumpkin, Auricularia Auricula, konjac food containing soluble dietary fiber food, you can maintain the balance of intestinal microflora, promote the growth of probiotics, also has good prevention of constipation.5. drink lots of water or honey water, develop the habit of regular defecation.
6. for spastic constipation to reduce irritation, reduces the spicy condiment.
Such as wine, strong tea, coffee and pepper, curry powder, paprika, stimulus, while also reducing the rough of the stimulation of plant cellulose, eat bamboo shoots, leek, celery, can eat some soft, mild, less stimulating foods such as can some vegetables class after cooking, peeling vegetables to choose some tender cabbage etc.What to do with constipation
Constipation is a slow movement of the large intestine, moisture absorbing too much, resulting in more drying induration, excretion difficulties.
Pediatric constipation may have several reasons:1, dietary factors baby eating too little, the amount of sugar in the diet can lead to inadequate digestion residue, low stool.
Diets high in protein content so that the stool is alkaline, drying, timesReduced. Food containing calcium and more can also cause constipation, such as milk calcium milk more than man, so milk feeding than breastfeeding costive opportunities. Vegetable fiber can stimulate intestinal peristalsis, facilitate defecation. Some children do not like to eat vegetables, is one of the main causes of constipation.2. customary factors due to the lack of a life without rules or regular bowel training, or for individual children as a result of sudden environmental changes may occur with constipation.
3, disease rickets, malnutrition, hypothyroidism in children with abdominal muscles tension, or intestinal peristalsis, comparison with constipation.
Anal fissure, anal inflammation around the anus and mouth when the bowels, pediatric pain due to fear of the pain and confusion in the stool, leading to constipation. Hirschsprung's disease in children, soon after birth are constipation, abdominal distension and vomiting. Peritoneal tumor when pressure near mesocaval cannot successfully passed in the stool, or can cause constipation. Pediatric constipation after what? 1. adjust the constipation diet in children the majority were in the first case, adjusting diet after most constipation can be mitigated. Milk feeding baby constipation, milk sugar increased to 8%, and increases the fruit juice, larger babies can add honey. Infant constipation should reduce the protein diet, cereals, vegetables, fruit etc increase with residues in food.4. develop regular bowel habit for three months or more infants can training scheduled defecation, young children may in the morning or when sitting after eating, and should develop colse to daily regular habit of defecation.
5. proper use of glycerine and laxatives do not commonly used glycerine, SOAP header bowels, because once the habit, the normal "defecation reflex" disappear, constipation is more difficult to correct.
Don't often serve as laxatives because Pediatric digestive function, after using laxatives can cause diarrhea.(Practice editing: clean,)
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