Wednesday, December 8, 2010

Six common attitudes on health harm useless

It has long been found psychological status affect our health, but on which scientific truth has little knowledge.

Recently, the United States, Duke University Medical Center's Steven · Boyle Professor found through research evidence summary, the following six types of mentality is harmful to health, once found, is the best Quick cure.

First, the cynical.

Cynical person tends to be hostile to people, easy to put on the negative attitude on life to others. Such a person as a result of excessive stress, nerves prolonged immune system protein changes as a result of early risk of cardiovascular disease and diabetes.

Second, the lack of purpose.

Life without purpose, life is short, this, in turn, are also established. Scientific studies have found that people who live there to aim for a more normal hormones, immune system more robust, heart health. Professor Professor Boyle points out that the lack of life will significantly improve the purpose with the probability of adolescent dementia.

3. sensitive suspicious.

Sensitive suspicious, the grievance shall be reported by people all fear of anxiety, their nerves are often very fragile, prone to burnout. Recommended that these people down to, and foster life and other people's confidence, let rest and try to nerve cells.

4. structured.

More than 9000 people in the survey study found that doing things consistently messy, often late will often ignore your body and health, do not know how to adjust, smoking and drinking possibilities are even greater.


If one day Moody, depressed, so he's immune system is always in tension, negative impact on the body, easily lead to diseases such as hypertension.

6. not be relaxed.

Prolonged stress, such as continuous work day off resistance drop, easily catch cold, even the blood pressure, heart discomfort. In addition, the scientists also found that such a person's chance of developing diabetes than ordinary high out 2 times.

(Edit: Justin Lin, internships)

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