Monday, December 6, 2010

You find the health hazards of 11 subtle signal?

According to the United States media reports, the dark circles under my eyes does not indicate that your previous night drunk only signals.

There are many signal can reveal our potential health problems. The following are indicators that you may have a significant health hazard of 11 subtle signals.

1. health signal: press will turn white after nail

The hidden problem: when you tried to pressure your nails cover, their congregation to white, but if sustained nearly a minute had not recovered, it could be called an iron deficiency anemia.

Dr. Johnston said: "many women, especially menorrhagia woman, he had been unaware of anaemia. ”

Solution: immediately to the hospital on the protein content of iron in the blood for testing.

You should eat more foods that are rich in, such as salmon and spinach, guided by the doctor to take some iron supplements.

2. health signal: lips chapped

Potential problems: this is either a lack of water or a lack of vitamin A.

Chicago dermatologist Carolyn · Jakob (Carolyn Jacob) said: "I have received a certain cure a young female patient, she didn't know the daily intake of 2 000 international units of vitamin A – this is the recommended intake of four times, nearly 2.5 000 international units of toxic doses. "In a healthy dose of vitamin A have a maintenance function of skin cells, you can make the skin soft and delicate, with wrinkle wrinkle effect. But once the intake too much, it will absorb moisture, if you are pregnant, or even can cause fetal defects. Dr. Jacob explains that: "the patient's lips and the skin therefore become abnormal and dry. ”

Solution: If the vitamin A, remember to check the instructions above to ensure that daily intake should not exceed 5 000 international units.

Alternatively, you can strengthen from eggs, milk and other natural source of vitamin A intake. When you stop the excessive intake of vitamin A, the skin may become more mellow. Be sure to drink plenty of water, especially during exercise. Remember, if you feel thirsty, this means you already dehydrated.

3. health signal: swollen fingers

Savory snacks and menstrual premenstrual syndrome (PMS) is a finger swelling by culprit

Potential problems: savory snacks and menstrual premenstrual syndrome (PMS) are the two big finger swelling.

If you do not have these two factors will play, you are still a few weeks absent menstruation and ring remains very tight and this time, you may have to be inactive status of the response was not on the thyroid gland. Minnesota Rochester Mayo Clinic College of medicine, Dr. Rebecca · BA Hahn said that this disease is called "hypothyroidism", in the secretion of thyroid not enough to regulate metabolism and rhythm of thyroid hormone.

Solution: Hahn warned not to simply believe that swelling is inevitable.

"If not for the treatment of hypothyroidism, raises heart attack. For pregnant women, the disease also affects fetal brain development. "Blood test can reveal whether sufficient thyroid gland secretion of thyroid hormones. If you are in a State doctor secretion enough will give you a synthetic hormone preparations, you might want to take life. Once you find the right dose, your metabolism and your fingers will be back to normal.

4. health signal: his mouth white

The hidden problem: his mouth white means that you have been suffering from a yeast infections (yeast infection occurs not only in the groin).

Illinois Barrington dermasurgeon Amy · Derek said, causing the rupture of the corners of many factors, such as vitamin B deficiency. Vitamin B deficiency can undermine the oral mucosa, or let people drooling during sleep, form easy to breed the moist, warm environment of yeast.

Solution: to see a dermatologist or general practitioner, they will give you a local drug resistant yeast.

In addition, ensure adequate dietary intake of vitamin B, recommended food as whole grains and lean meat. If the recurrence of infection, you should avoid consumption of white bread and desserts. United States Dietetic Association Florida Orlando spokeswoman Tara · Kat DOS said: "the yeast to refined flour and sugar for food, so you should reduce their food intake. ”

5. health signal: eyelids swollen Wong

The hidden problem: your cholesterol, if too high, the fat will gather in your eyes on.

Because fat is yellow, so your eyes will turn yellow. Whether you are a kind of skin, it will display that color.

Solution: a blood test.

If your cholesterol, your total cholesterol in 239 above, your LDL (bad) cholesterol over 159 or triglycerides is 200 or even higher, then the usual attention to eating more roughage, daily exercise of time of not less than 30 minutes. Of course, follow the doctor's request, through medication, or you can put the cholesterol down. Eyelid swelling over the yellow of the total drop in cholesterol.

6. health signal: nail color light blue in the nail bed

Potential problems: the nail bed blue, yellow nails may mean that you have diabetes, the disease has weakened blood reaches the fingertip.

Dr. Johnston said: "no woman has the potential for high blood sugar, but they usually do not pay attention to other diabetes symptoms. ”

Solution: the next step you have to do is check your fasting blood glucose level is at has reached 126 or higher.

Weight loss often makes these people regain health status, and can reduce the amount of the medication. In order to maintain a low blood sugar level, and every day to uphold the low fat diet, and cellulose intake of at least 25 g. Johnston, weekly at least adequate exercise 150 minutes.

7. health signal: not excited face still red

Potential problems: cheeks often have similar sunburn was red block, is suffering from Erythema of the first signs of acne, acne is a skin Erythema on dust mite allergy skin disorder.

Solution: If you want to remove the red spots, you have to press the specified formula smudge allergenic or antibiotic cream, avoid caffeine and sunlight stimulate.

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