Saturday, November 27, 2010

Test: ershidaoti to foot health points

Please you select score offices played the "√".

1. the day that you use the feet of the time (walking, jogging, etc.): less than 2 hours (0); 2-4 hours (1 point); 5-7 hours (2 minutes); 8 hours (3 min)

2. the age of 40 years of age (0) 40-59 years (1 point); 60 years (2)

3. weight? ideal weight, or no weight 10 kg (0) 10-20 kg overweight (2 minutes) overweight 20 kg (3 min)

Note: ideal weight = (height-105) × 0.9

4. the foot and ankle disorders can affect you? no diseases (0); impact sports (2 minutes); impact of life (3)

5. because of foot and ankle disorders treatment is done (3 minutes); No (0)

6. through the 5 cm above the heel shoes? Yes (2 minutes); No (0)

7. what kind of regular participation in campaigns for a walk (1 point); play ball (2 minutes); skating (2 minutes); running (3 min)

8. sports wear sports shoes? (0 points); no to (3)

9. walk or exercise foot pain? no (0); few (1 point); sometimes (2); often there (3 min)

10. exercise when you wore a pair of old shoes (using more than one year or more)? (3 minutes); No (0)

11. exercise to do muscle stretch before and after are preparation activities is (0); no to (3)

12. diabetes? Yes (3 minutes); No (0)

13. your feet have numbness or burning feeling is (3 minutes); No (0)

14. is there a family history of diabetes mellitus? Yes (2 minutes); No (0)

15. often twisted leg? Yes (2 minutes); No (0)

16. have flat feet or high arches? Yes (2 minutes); No (0)

17. the exercise will feel the heel or leg pain? Yes (2 minutes); No (0)

18. a callosity, corns, hallux valgus and Mallet toe is (3 minutes); No (0)

19. foot have arthritis or aches? Yes (3 minutes); No (0)

20. lower leg pain is often swollen (3 minutes); No (0)

Evaluation criteria:

0-20 points, your foot very healthy;

21-40, your foot is in a State of health requires attention to foot care;

41 feet above, you may already have a problem, you should pay special attention to, and get medical help.

(Edit: Justin Lin, internships)

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