Saturday, November 27, 2010

Nine unhealthy implied signal

In fact, these phenomena are likely to have your physical ailments in the bud.

The introduces nine symptoms, they probably are suggesting that your body to seek "mood".

1, lumbar pain

This may be a cystitis or attachments.

Should go to the hospital blood tests, urine, you need to do cystoscopy. When to drink more water, cream piquant, fragrances of food. To reduce inflammation and physiotherapy, pumpkin oil or sandalwood oil bath would be very good.

2, irritable

As a bit of trivia that cry, if this is not the same as your character does not need to check the thyroid, central nervous system on the most sensitive of thyroid hormone disorders.

Initial symptoms are easily excited, bad temper, crying, insomnia, appetite is good but losing weight, women have disordered menstruation may be shown.

3. frequent dizziness

Blood pressure should be checked.

Any age may suffer from low blood pressure, the female is usually 35 to 40 years old. To adjust your diet, choose some useful sports such as swimming.

4. morning eye micro-swelling

This is most likely the result of chronic fatigue.

If edema occur frequently, it will check the kidney.

5. night leg swelling

This is a symptom of chronic vein failure.

How to eat raw vegetables, they contain can reinforce vein of fiber.

6, hands and feet often cramps

May be a lack of calcium and vitamin D, to eat dairy products, liver, and seafood.

7 more than usual, sweat

This may be the vegetative nerve blood vessels.

If common analgesics do not work, we should see a doctor.

8, body weight changes, slurred

These symptoms are a bit like diabetes, it is necessary to do blood glucose checks.

If the check result is fairly normal, do not eat sweets and greasy food.

9, a large number of hair loss

Women than men are more susceptible to dispersion alopecia (hair loss from all over the head).

Hair loss causes large numbers may be due to stress, not cure infection or incorrect diet, disease, or congenital diseases.

(Edit: Justin Lin, internships)

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