Sunday, January 16, 2011

Which color of the fruit has the best health care effect?

Fruit with flowers as colourful nothing, its natural color, mellow, sweet taste, especially the golden yellow fruit not only has good taste, rich in nutrition and good health care function.

Now briefly describes several common edible yellow fruit health effects.

Orange: also known as the Orange oranges, citrus fruit and citrus fruit for popularization.

Its sweet and tasty, acid and refreshing, Wenzhou, Zhejiang huangyan is good, its whole body are precious. Chinese medicine practitioners believe that their sexual tastes sweet, sour and temperature, non-toxic. Appetizer with moisturizing the cough, Shengjin, jianpizhixie, Qi blockage, Shu stagnated, and many other utility. It contains hesperidin, citric acid, sugar, Malic acid, vitamin A, C, D, riboflavin, Nicotinic Acid 's, and many trace elements. The water in each 100g 85.6g containing, protein, fat 0.2g 1.2g, dietary fibers, carbohydrates 12.5g 0.1g, ash 0.4g, beta-carotene 5140ug, upper respiratory tract infections, bronchitis, gastrointestinal diseases, particularly tuberculosis of Gynecologic mastitis, breast, breast milk is not smooth, regular clothes are made. Their skin has expectorant and cough medicine, antithrombotic, Lidan, expansion of bronchus, increased cardiac output and prevents capillary bleeding, and other utility. Check a hernia pains, testicular pain, breast lump with good results. Complex feasible gas freeing, cough and phlegm. Leaves for liver Qi, sanjie swelling of high quality goods, especially on the flight deck for pain, breast pain, breast lump, have very good results. Orange not fasting or large amounts of food, such as excessive consumption risk with beta-carotene, a spirit-Wei-fei, loss of appetite, nausea and vomiting, yellowing of skin and stimulate gastric mucosa resulting expansion of stuffy, indigestion, etc.

Bananas: bananas, also known as banana, banana fruit, sweet banana, people call it the fruit of "giant", rich in nutrients.

Chinese medicine practitioners believe that their sexual tastes sweet and humble astringent, partial gastric, colon, with heat and thirst, Qingwei cooling, constipation, diuretic, hypotensive, clearing the saliva and lungs. On the fire caused trouble thirsty, abdominal, constipation, diarrhea, dizziness, scald the blood, pain and swelling in the throat, coughing, Lung abscess has effect. Contains protein, fat, beta-carotene, riboflavin, calcium, potassium, iron, as well as a variety of trace elements, mineral salts, vitamins A, B, C, 5-HT, noradrenaline, dihydroxy phenethylamine. On arteriosclerosis, high cholesterol, coronary heart disease, stroke, hypertension have good results. In addition to Carbuncle sores, burn, chapped role well. This product is relatively cold, therefore the spleen and weak people, especially cream fasting shenshi suits because fasting food makes the blood magnesium, calcium imbalance, a dampening effect on the cardiovascular system.

Persimmon: persimmon fruit also known as Zhu, zhentian Caleb.

It is sweet as honey, mellow and refreshing. Chinese medicine believes its sweet and humble astringent, lung and stomach intestine. With moisturizing the phlegm, heat and intestinal Shengjin, astringent, Zhili, stomach and intestine, Shengjin, and many other cool hemostatic effect. Rich in beta-carotene, riboflavin, vitamin and trace elements. On Lung heat cough, whooping cough, cough, phlegm, yellow spitting food can cough and phlegm, and stomach disorders of sore throat, nausea and vomiting, nausea, diarrhea, dysentery are so beneficial. Especially on heat-induced salivary exuberance, vomiting of blood, blood plasma, postpartum hemorrhage, Purpura with cooling hemostatic effect. Its juice topical skin ulcer, pruritus, Herpes Zoster are valid. Its cream topical on angular stomatitis, tongue sores, anal fissure for each effect. Eat persimmons, should be eating, regular food, folk think is inappropriate and sweet potato with persimmon. Persimmon tannin easy in iron absorption. Therefore iron deficiency anemia is unfit to eat. Fasting food easily formed stomach persimmon stone, spleen, cream suits.

PEAR: mince of cases of high reputation, the country is rich in the variety many, the winter fruit PEAR, yellow PEAR pears, dry, red Xiao Feng PEAR pears, Kam, Jing Bai, Korla PEAR, laiyang pears, ryosan sorbitol, snow-shoe yellow pears, pear, etc.

Ancient also ryosan sorbitol as court plea. Chinese medicine practitioners believe PEAR flavor is sweet, slightly acidic, sexual deviation cool, lung and stomach. Have nourish, phlegm reducing, Qingwei purging hot, nourishing, nourishing kidney tonic and constipation, etc. Which wood moisture maximum PEAR, protein to the Su PEAR, dietary fiber to Korla most carbohydrates to eyesight PEAR, beta-carotene to snow pear. PEAR's main function is to clear the lung, and lung heat caused stomach hot, dry cough, cough, or whooping cough, phlegm, yellow throat dry mouth dryness, sound mute, constipation, and lung, stomach, kidneys, called dirty Yin Jin deficiency of disease are optional.

Apple: Apple variety many, one of the world's largest fruit.

China's Shaanxi Province output accounted for half of the country. While the yellow banana apples to apples in EPAN, the nourishment is abundant, good taste. Chinese medicine believes that its taste sweet sour, ping, spleen, stomach II. With heat and phlegm, shengjinzhike, IK yunpizhixie and heweijiangni equivalent. It is rich in mineral salts, sugars, vitamin, mineral, tannic acid, ursolic acid and carbohydrate. Compendium of Materia Medica contains: "you can breath out Tan, e., diabetes, abdominal pain, therapy and drink yishi scours, ejaculate. "Apple sauce on chronic enteritis long scour, effective in children with dyspepsia. Should have been eating, so that the stomach acid increased noise the annoying easy muscle, while Apple's fragrance, and can give you a good mood.

Grapefruit: sweet and delicious, traditional Chinese medicine believes that grapefruit t slightly acidic, lung, spleen.

Rational gas wide, dampness and phlegm, its moisture up to 90%. Contains the protein, beta-carotene, riboflavin, potassium, sodium, CMS, and other trace elements, vitamins, and citrate. Especially on cough and phlegm, chest tightness, loss of appetite, and hernia pains, senile asthma has very good results.

(Edit: Justin Lin, internships)

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