Sunday, January 16, 2011

Must longer male female leak-proof

All know the patency is healthy stool one of the criteria, in fact, ensure the urinal patency, normal, and is also an important part of good health.

But with constipation, urine problems but sexes: male to female to proof, leak-proof.

Peking University men's Division Director Dr. Zhang-tell the life times reporter, male urination disorders, mainly because the older result of testicular atrophy, causing the prostate hypertrophy.

Urinary frequency, urinary niaotong, domes and other symptoms of the "block" is a typical manifestation, serious will enable reduced quality of life. For example, frequent urination at night, will affect the NET not sleep; urination, can cause bacterial infections; long term voiding dysfunction that affect renal function, and so on.

To prevent the "blocking", Zhang says, first of all you should avoid holding back urine, sedentary; second, less spicy, spicy food, the wine had quit smoking; 60-year-old, every year to look up the urinary system.

Once the voiding disorders, you can start from the adjusted life habits, when necessary, be treated with medication.

In contrast with men, older women tend to face the problem of urinary incontinence.

Beijing jishuitan hospital obstetrics and Gynecology, Sun Fong said that, self-control and urine cannot "leak" out, not only will give life a great deal of embarrassment and inconvenience, but also easy to cause infection.

Cause incontinence reasons, for example, coughing, laughing, sneezing, or lifting incontinence occurs, mainly caused by a sudden increase in intra-abdominal pressure.

This may be related to pregnancy and childbirth on the pelvic floor muscles may also damage the and estrogen after middle age. There is also a urinary tract infection urine incontinence, manifested suddenly want to piss, to the toilet to wet his pants.

Stress urinary incontinence, usually should be careful not to reference objects often overweight; squatting don't take too long; eat more fiber-rich light food, prevent constipation caused by abdominal pressure increases; positive treatment of asthma, bronchitis, obesity and other diseases, also helps to prevent abdominal pressure too high.

In addition, we go and sleep before the do 45-100 references to the anus.

(Edit: Justin Lin, internships)

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