Now many female friends use a female's body cleaning supplies for routine transvaginal maintains cleanliness, but the purchase and use, we should also pay attention to understand the different private part cleaning products, do not put private part cleaning products as a panacea, it just makes the body more clean.
Myth 1: private shower capable of preventing sexually transmitted diseases, whether "the hospital" prefix, the prefix "kin" private parts cleaning products, will not be able to prevent sexually transmitted diseases.
Cause gonorrhea gonococcal, causing syphilis Treponema pallidum, causing Condyloma papillomavirus, etc. can be directly transmitted to the cervix, or even into the uterine cavity. Therefore, after using various private part cleaning washing the vagina is not able to put these pathogenic substances to clean off. To prevent sexually transmitted diseases, the best way is clean, or to use condoms, in short, the private part cleaning products cannot be the prevention of sexually transmitted diseases.Myth 2: the use of healthy private part cleaning supplies would destroy their own defense features some women are worried about the health of private part cleaning would undermine their own defense, induced inflammation, in fact, this is a misconception that as long as such products of pH value defined in 4-4.5, close to the body's pH, is not destructive, and of course have to be cleaned.
Myth three: herbal lotion more secure despite clearing and medicinal herbs, poison, inflammation, but should also be guided by the doctor.
And herbs save period is shorter, easy metamorphic mouldy, such private part cleaning products instead of harmful after use. Especially now, some illegal pharmaceutical companies will join the chemical composition of cleaning products to Chinese medicine's body a certain cure purposes, should cause consumers and patients.Myth 4: potassium permanganate private part cleaning and disinfection more thoroughly under normal circumstances, vaginal memory in a large number of vaginal bacteria, they can be stored in the cells of glycogen into lactic acid in the vagina, a acidic environment and detrimental to the growth and reproduction of all kinds of pathogens.
If frequent cleaning using potasium permanganate solution, it will be a lot of killing, acidity of the vagina, so that this defence is compromised, you can take advantage of pathogens causing gynecological diseases.Potassium permanganate used for too long, the skin becomes dry, easy to cause pruritus.
If there is no standard dilution, concentration exceeds 1: 5000 or powder is completely dissolved, once stained genital, corrosion delicate skin and mucosa.Myth 5: use alcohol to clean the vulva to sterilization even want to sterilization and do not wash with alcohol, although the vulva of strong alcohol sterilization, but on the genital mucosa and skin delicate will result in strong stimulation.
Myth 6: treatment of cervical erosion should be a large number of private part cleaning washing in the treatment of cervical erosion, it is necessary to pay attention to repair damaged vaginal mucosa and recovery self-cleaning system.
In care and treatment, should protect the vaginal mucosa, maintaining good self-cleaning system. Therefore, in the treatment of cervical erosion process, not a lot of vaginal lavage irritation, it is particularly important to note that in the cervical erosion during the treatment period, should be kept clean of vulva, vagina and drying, is generally not recommended to use lotion, otherwise easily lead to local infection.Last reminder that second point: a normal bath and SOAP are alkaline, pH above 7 basic in, easy to damage caused by vaginal weak acid environment, Gynecologic diseases.
The second is the private part is disease symptoms, the doctor females under the guidance of the female's body cleaning products selected product, as necessary, select "font size" of OTC medication or prescription type private part cleaning supplies, not yourself.(Edit: Tang Hui internship in red)
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