Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Saves time and money furniture fitness exercise at home to expand method

Today's fast-paced, busy has become a synonym for young people.

Every day that take 1 hour to exercise is a luxury. Should we give up on it, give up health fitness?, in fact, we can change the health establishments, in the home using fragmented spare time, take advantage of the family of chairs, cabinets can save time and money to fitness.

I. Chair fitness method

Find a wooden or hard plastic chair, practice as follows:

1. the body relax, sit upright on the Chair, his natural droop.

Head previously dumped backwards, left and go forward, then moving from right to left as a circle once, the second time in the opposite direction of rotation, go 3 times.

2. the arms to the body, fingers crossed, palm facing outward, arms stretched as far as possible, after chest expand, the posture keep 3 to 5 seconds.

3. the person sitting in front of the Chair, two leg flexor protraction, supporting both hands hold Fu Chair on both sides, to stretch the waist and chest expansion.

4. is sitting in a Chair on the reverse.

First turn to the left then turn right, go 10 times, rotation rate.

5. sit in a Chair, hands one leg, thigh flexors close to the chest, linger, down pulls another leg, all hold 5 ~ 10 times.

6. is sitting on the Chair, two eye catching Visual front, hands, helping the chair legs straightening lift and parallel to the ground, stay straight, flat toe 3 ~ 5 seconds down and then continue to lift his legs, and to do 5-10 times.

7. the upper part remains upright, hands raised in his chair on both sides, one foot touching the ground, lift the other foot and toe tensed, thigh and abdomen muscles stimulate the legs to do up and down movement, practice note not to bend the knees, the focus should remain in the Chair's central location, so as not to skew the Chair.

The legs up and down one time, swing 15 ~ 18 time for another leg exercises. These methods all finished to 1 group, every day you can take advantage of idle time for 3 ~ 5 groups. Chair fitness is simple, but to alleviate fatigue, relax the body, but also to exercise leg muscles, abdominal muscles, lumbar muscles, and enhance the body's balance.

2. chest fitness method

Practice, stand facing the chest, legs apart and shoulder width.

Hands stretched, in the cabinets. Heel lift, toe, the whole body is an micromove State. When the heel slowly down when peaked, then lifted again.

Each group of 15 to 18 times a day can do 2-3 groups.

Do you want to keep the body balanced Center of gravity should fall to the front foot, and not physical pressure in the chest, this method can effectively alleviate sore ankle muscles, but also prevention occurs when twisted foot walk.

Warm Tip: use furniture should avoid the use of the fitness framed glass, and away from television, refrigerators and other electrical equipment, so that when you touch the electric movement and danger.

(Edit: Justin Lin, internships)

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