Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Nine health new said: don't drink water when brushing your teeth

The weekend not to sleep late, don't drink water when brushing your teeth, like the baby-like respiratory ...

Recently, the United Kingdom's top health experts introduced several new views, the subversion of the traditional concept of health. They believe that if you make the following health habits, the United Kingdom each year will be able to save 20 000 lives.

Weekend don't lie

United Kingdom East Kent headache clinical Professional Nursing Center expert Andrew · Dr. Dawson, migraine headache is also known as the "weekend", because it often to weekend morning.

Sudden changes in sleep habits will be on charge of hormones balanced drastic impact on the formation of the hypothalamus, hormone imbalance, which led to trigger a headache.

Will miss the breakfast in bed cause eating disorders.

Eat the colorful food

London to Kingston Hospital nutrition experts Adam · Medvedja said that each color represents a different antioxidants and nutrients, eat all the food can make nutritional complement each other.

For example, the vitamin c in fruits helps strengthen the body on green leafy vegetables or red meat in iron absorption.

Brush your teeth when a cock

United Kingdom Leicester City spine refers to pressure treatment expert and ergonomic consultants Tim · rekhachev said that my teeth when single-leg stand, helps to exercise the deep core muscles of the abdomen, the back protection.

Specific action: one hand brush my teeth, reverse leg drop, keep one minute independently, and then another side of repeating the same action.

Don't work in overweight at about

United Kingdom Lancaster University organizational psychology professor Cali · Cooper recommendations, do not solve the problem of overweight at.

Often not only ruin the body, socializing with drunk driving out the probability of risk is even greater. And friends, customers, together with a cup of tea, do exercise is the best way.

With shoes every day wear

London gait and posture studies expert Simon · Costain, everyday wear high heels and non-harmful.

In fact, many people's feet, legs and back issues are wear flat shoes or shoes. Heel 1.4 — 1.9 cm shoes, helps to alleviate the knees and tendon strain, let stand legs more direct. While the herringbone drag and platform will bring pressure to the spine.

SPF too high

London College of medicine, Dermatology expert Nick · Lovea said, SPF (SPF) don't need more than 30.

Weekdays can smudge of SPF 15 sunscreen, Sunscreen SPF in summer can be used for 30. Compared with SPF30 sunscreen, sunscreen more greasy SPF50, but its protective effect only 0.5% higher.

No need to drink bottled water

London St George Hospital Chief nutritionist Catherine · Collins said, everyone knows you need to drink water every day for about 2 litres (8 cups).

Although the bottled water companies to preach the importance of water, and don't forget the body water is varied, in addition to the soup, tea, coffee, eat 5 servings of fruits and vegetables (95% moisture) equivalent to add 400 ml of water, even in bread, water also accounts for 1/3.

Brush your teeth after don't drink the water

United Kingdom Dental Association consultant expert Philip · steamer, brush your teeth after it is best not to rinse your mouth with water hard, otherwise it will wash away the teeth from toothpaste fluoride protection layer.

Brush your teeth after half an hour it is best not to drink any beverage. Brush your teeth when you can directly use the toothpaste in the dry brush, do not have to be dipped in water, because the oral cavity humidity is sufficient, it also helps to play fluoride protection to the teeth.

Can not sleep when playing puzzle

United Kingdom the sleep research centre, Loughborough University Professor Jim · horn that sleep is not good, you can walk out of the bedroom, and do something you can relax and fun and you can get distracted by things, ideally Jigsaw, both hands-on and eye movement.

Like the baby-like respiratory

United Kingdom stress management Association President Neil · Sahabi, baby-like respiratory (abdominal breathing) helps to release the pressure.

By: imagine navel following a gradual expansion of the sphere. Hold your breath for 5-6 seconds, slowly from nose breath. Every two hours, and repeat the movement 10-20 times. This set of actions will allow you to pressure, Daisy.

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